
Frank Herbert on Message Fic and Dune

March 21, 2019 Bushi 5

Interviews with SFF masters of yore can be quite fascinating and insightful, and I like to watch or read them every now and then. The other day a couple clips of Frank Herbert interviews popped up in my recommended YouTube videos, and I just wanted to quickly share them.   […]

Star Trek: TNG on Courage and Moral/Cultural Relativism

March 18, 2019 Bushi 0

I’ve somewhat of a Star Trek casual, as scifi nerds go. Over the years, I’ve watched Voyager and Deep Space Nine all the way through; I’ve seen many episodes of the original series as scattered reruns on TV, and I’ve watched a lot of The Next Generation episodes. But I’ve […]

Moon Pool

The Moon Pool Has Merit

March 13, 2019 Bushi 3

I’m not sure what it is about The Moon Pool. I’ve been picking at it for weeks. I read a few pages before bed most nights, and it feels like I’ve been doing so forever. A. Merritt is an author of the old school, with every connotation the phrase brings. His […]

Killer AI: Final Thoughts on Brother Assassin

March 6, 2019 Bushi 5

I don’t have a lot more to say about Brother Assassin. The book is well-paced, broken up into three sequential story segments. Normally time travel stories can pretty easily develop into something of a tangled clusterfark, but I found Saberhagen’s approach quite engaging. In each part, the berserkers adjust their strategy […]

The Scifi Totally-Not-Galileo

March 5, 2019 Bushi 3

I’m almost done with Brother Assassin, but wanted to share this nugget. The third part of the book is about defending this indispensable historical figure from the berserkers, and this guy is Totally Not Galileo! I recently discovered that Saberhagen was a practicing Catholic. It also appears he was historically […]



March 4, 2019 Bushi 5

I was sick again at the end of last week. My son turns one this month, and to be honest I was a little surprised I hadn’t gotten sick more often this past year. I guess it’s catching up with me now. One thing I did while I was out […]