Micro-SFF: The Anome

June 29, 2020 Bushi 0

After a couple of disappointing SFF pickups (which I may talk about at a later time), I recently started grazing on another Jack Vance book. It’s been a great little diversion while I pop back and forth between the endless toil of life and a couple non-fiction reads. The Anome […]

Image source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mountain_pine_forest.jpg

Bloody Fruit

June 25, 2020 Bushi 0

I was born in the mountains, in a small village amid pine and snow. My baptism was conducted in the river Sho, and my mother said that I was born under an auspicious star. For several years I lived in relative happiness high up on Mount Haku. During my fifth […]