Halloread: Robert E. Howard’s Pigeons from Hell

December 23, 2021 Bushi 0

Howard’s one of those authors who gets me pumped, excited to read. That excitement is key these days, as I’ve tended to pick up a book, get 20-30 pages in, and lose interest. As time becomes a more valuable commodity, one necessarily becomes a lot choosier in these things. As […]

Clark Ashton Smith and D&D: It’s a Trap!

August 6, 2021 Bushi 5

It’s always a little bit of a pot-stir to grouse about a particular author having been wrongfully omitted from Appendix N. I know, because I’ve gotten into it over C. L. Moore in the past! Of course Appendix N can’t be wrong. I like how Michael Curtis put it at the […]

Getting Gor’ed

July 22, 2021 Bushi 3

Gor is one of those series/settings you hear mixed things about, if you hear of it.   So far the story strikes a lot of Burroughsian chords, with a particularly Barsoomian beat. The writing isn’t quite as good and some of the ideas don’t seem as well thought-out to me, […]

It’s Been a Year?

July 15, 2021 Bushi 0

Egad and by the Power of Grayskull! I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I last posted. I’d like to recount some of my amazing exploits and accomplishments since our last touch-in, but I’ve got a serious case of Dad Brain these days. Like, I don’t even remember […]