Burrough’s The Mucker

January 18, 2019 Bushi 6

So I just finished reading The Mucker, and it was…not bad. I may have liked it better than Tarzan, or maybe I should say I liked certain elements better. [Tasty spoilers ahead] Ladies first – Barbara Harding was a way better character and love interest than Jane Porter. It kind of felt […]

Dragon Masters

Jack Vance’s The Dragon Masters

January 16, 2019 Bushi 4

All those Vance books on the shelf. Staring at me, eyeless. Somehow judging me, despite lack of faculty. Beckoning. Tantalizing. So I finally read The Dragon Masters, a title I’ve seen recommended a number of times now. It wasn’t my favorite Vance work, but it was a Vance work. In other […]

Pigeons from Hell

Howardian Horror

January 9, 2019 Bushi 14

I was recently gifted The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard. I’ve had my eye on this one for a while, perhaps since Alex of Barbarian Book Club wrote about it. I’m not sure if the copy he’s got features that sweet illustration of a guy fighting a sea monster, but […]

Total Recall

We Can Remember It For You Wholesale: Partial Recall

January 7, 2019 Bushi 5

When I read Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? a few years ago, I was struck by how much it deviated from its Hollywood counterpart, Blade Runner. In retrospect I shouldn’t have been – film adaptations are notorious for drifting away from source material. It’s no surprise, then, that “We Can Remember […]


Mucking about

January 2, 2019 Bushi 7

Gitabushi has been prodding me for a while now to read The Mucker, one of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ lesser known novels. I’m generally not a fan of “Just power through the first 100 pages and then it gets really good” stories, but seeing as how I’ve plowed a-ways through and I’m […]


Circling back on Solomon Kane

December 31, 2018 Bushi 8

Yesterday Jeffro posted a little spotlight on Solomon Kane, and it reminded me of something from a couple years ago. While making an interesting observation about the reaction of normal folk to heroes like Kane, Jeffro draws a comparison to Mad Max. I don’t believe he’s calling Kane a madman, […]

witch world

Andre Norton’s Witch World

December 28, 2018 Bushi 7

I know I said I couldn’t wait to read Witch World, but I could have waited. I’m not sure  what it was about Norton’s writing in this one, but it just didn’t flow. I can’t remember having to reread sentences so many times to get their meaning! At least I […]


ChristmaSFF: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Pt. 2

December 24, 2018 Bushi 2

In Part 1, we had a short look at L. Frank Baum’s background and touched upon his role as America’s first big children’s book author. Baum also seems to have played an early and perhaps major role in the reformation of the fey. Of course his hallmark work, The Wizard […]

ChristmaSFF: The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus Pt. 1

December 19, 2018 Bushi 2

A Baumy Christmas In preparation for this year’s ChristmaSFF read, I did a little bit of sifting around for information about L. Frank Baum, the author of The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus. He’s much more widely known as the writer of the Oz books, which were my early childhood […]

Broken Sword

An Introduction to the Epic Poul Anderson

December 14, 2018 Bushi 16

The illustrious Poul Anderson is another one of those scifi/fantasy grandmasters who you’ve probably never heard of if you were born after 1980. Although he was writing until his death in 2001, he seems to have fallen into obscurity in the later decades of his career, which is a damn […]