Clark Ashton Smith and D&D: It’s a Trap!

August 6, 2021 Bushi 5

It’s always a little bit of a pot-stir to grouse about a particular author having been wrongfully omitted from Appendix N. I know, because I’ve gotten into it over C. L. Moore in the past! Of course Appendix N can’t be wrong. I like how Michael Curtis put it at the […]

The Decent Dickson

December 5, 2019 Bushi 2

I made an important announcement on Twitter the other day: I don’t have much time these days, but I did trade a few hours of sleep recently to read this bad boy. The last time I read any SFF was several months ago, when I unceremoniously blitzed through the last […]

Pigeons from Hell

Howardian Horror

January 9, 2019 Bushi 14

I was recently gifted The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard. I’ve had my eye on this one for a while, perhaps since Alex of Barbarian Book Club wrote about it. I’m not sure if the copy he’s got features that sweet illustration of a guy fighting a sea monster, but […]


The Cost of Magic

November 30, 2018 Bushi 21

I’ve been thinking lately about magic. In fiction, its treatment varies widely, but I feel like there are a few generalizations I can make. First, I don’t agree with Gita (or Orson Scott Card) that magic must have a price or else be rendered uninteresting. Of course magic should have limitations. […]

Genre Wars: SF & F and Magic

August 14, 2018 Bushi 3

Last week I shared my musings on the divide between scifi and fantasy, and why it’s not the most helpful or natural distinction. Over at, one of my counterparts has offered a different perspective. In the hottest of takes, he suggests that in Star Wars, the Force is less […]