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Bloody Fruit

June 25, 2020 Bushi 0

I was born in the mountains, in a small village amid pine and snow. My baptism was conducted in the river Sho, and my mother said that I was born under an auspicious star. For several years I lived in relative happiness high up on Mount Haku. During my fifth […]

Red Planet


September 6, 2018 Bushi 0

In the 3021st year of Zan, in the Century of the Great Boral Worm, in the Year of Holy Winds, the Blessed Lord of Space and Matter, keeping his own counsel, ordered a purge of the third planet orbiting the red star known as Pendula. The world was ravaged first […]

Cirsova #9

New Release: “Antares”

August 28, 2018 Bushi 4

Back in the early summer of 2017, I wrote up what I’d describe as a weird reptileman-centric sword and planet tale and submitted to Cirsova magazine. Alex wound up with a slew of stories during that submission period and attained several issues worth of material. Well, the time has finally […]


August 7, 2018 Bushi 1

Originally posted over at An Eastern sword and sorcery tale. In an ancient Japan that might have been, the old powers recede. Demon and spirit and god – all must choose whether to diminish and serve the White Christ or join the cosmic rebellion of the Enemy. This is […]